Refund & Cancellation

Last Updated: 01/09/2023

At Softchief Courses, we are committed to providing high-quality online courses and educational content. We strive to ensure that our learners have a positive and enriching experience. However, it’s important to note that we have a strict “No Refund and Cancellation” policy in place for the following reasons:

1. Digital Products and Services

1.1. Our courses and educational materials are digital products and services that are delivered instantly upon purchase or enrollment. Once you gain access to these materials, it is not possible to return them or cancel the service.

2. Immediate Access

2.1. To ensure a seamless learning experience, we provide immediate access to our courses and educational resources as soon as payment is processed. This means that you can start using and benefiting from our content right away.

3. Fair Pricing

3.1. We offer competitive and transparent pricing for our courses. To keep our offerings accessible and affordable to all learners, we maintain a no-refund policy to prevent abuse of our educational resources.

4. Course Preview

4.1. Before making a purchase, we provide learners with detailed course descriptions, outlines, and previews. We encourage you to review this information to make an informed decision about enrolling in a course.

5. Exceptional Circumstances

5.1. In very rare cases, such as technical errors or issues with course access, we will investigate and resolve these problems promptly. If you encounter any such issues, please contact our customer support team, and we will assist you accordingly.

6. Contact Us

6.1. If you have any questions or concerns about this “No Refund and Cancellation Policy,” please contact us at Our customer support team is here to address your inquiries and provide assistance as needed.

By using our Service, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this “No Refund and Cancellation Policy.” If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from making any purchases or enrolling in our courses. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to a positive learning experience with Softchief Courses.